When it comes to escorts, a lot of clients worry about authenticity. Compliments, orgasms, mutual pleasure - what if it’s all an act? If you’re the kind of person who gets off on your date having a good time, these concerns might be getting in the way of your enjoyment too. Luckily, the wonderful Tash Murphy is joining me to talk about what’s authentic, what isn’t, and how to keep it real.
About our guest
Tash Murphy is an adult industry professional based in Melbourne. She has a background in adult retail, community health and advocacy, and currently works as an independent escort.
"Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the leggiest of them all?"
— Tash Murphy ~ MELBOURNE ~ (@tashmurphy_au) February 13, 2021
Here's a sneak peek from my latest photoshoot...✨💋
📷 @Curvateurphoto pic.twitter.com/8gsRshke3Z
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Full episode transcript coming soon.